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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

funny Joke "Ninkii xil dhibahayayna dhimay kii kalana halkanuu soo dhafooro weynyahay !"

A somali guy decides to visit the family of his wife (reer xididkiis) and takes with him one of his cousins. The two guys are received warmly at their inlaws...guri baa la fadhiisiyay and they were brought food (soor). After bringing the soor the lady who who was serving them got a continer of sugab (ghee) that was hanging from the roof of the hut and added it to the soor.As she added the subag the two guys trying to seem polite and not greedy asked her to stop adding and insisted that the it was enough... the usual processes of the host insisting to add more and the guest politely declining went on for a minute and than the lady gave in and decided to take the container back to hang it on the roof. Now as you may imagine the added subag was less than desired and as the guys eat the soor they realized that it was mostly dry now. The guys were tempted that there was a container full of ghee hanging in the hut and there was no one else in there so they decided to add some more ghee after all no one needed to know. So they stood up to tie down the container and in between the hurry and their farsamo laan they dropped the container and the ghee was al over the food, the gogol and the floor. At that point the inlaw (kii gabdha qabay) passed out of embarrassment and the other one just sat there with his mouth open. When the people come in to check on them they saw the mess and upon asking what happened the cousin replied....

Ninkii xil dhibahayayna dhimay kii kalana halkanuu soo dhafooro weynyahay !